Sunday, February 19, 2012

Getting an Ecuadorian Driver's License (Part 3 of 3)

Finally the day arrived to actually get the driver's license.  Of course there are steps that have to be followed, but before you go to the Agencia Nacional de Transito (their version of our DMV), you should study for the online test.  This can be done by obtaining a copy of the exact test (with answers) by going to the government office mentioned above and paying $1 for the test, or by printing it at home from the link below.  And you can also take practice tests online through the following link:

After you have studied for the test, take the following documents with you to the Agencia Nacional de Transito which is located on Calle el Salado near Alfonso Cabrera.

  1. Original and a copy of your Cedula
  2. Original and a copy of your Censo
  3. Original blood type card you received from Cruz Rojo
  4. Original Permiso de Aprendizaje (you received from the driving school)
  5. Original Certificado de Conductor No Profesional (you received from the driving school)
  6. Must be at least 18 years old
  7. Must be able to read and write Spanish
  8. Must pass the vision test
  9. Must pass the online theory test (which you studied for already at home)
  10. Must pay a fee of $38
After you have accomplished all of the above, your picture will be taken and you will be issued a driver's license.  Whew, what a process!

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Monday, February 13, 2012

A Guide to Riding the Blue Buses in Cuenca

Some of you may already know about this, but it's a very handy tool for figuring out the bus routes in Cuenca and which buses go where.  Also if you plot where your start and finish is, it will automatically figure out which bus routes to take and show you the bus maps.
